Premium vintage set with modern advantages.
Transparent and glassy, chimey, bell like tone with a nice vintage quack in position 2 & 4.
Sweet sounding set, slightly overwound.
Fat, warm, articulate and responsive, will bring any guitar to life.
Outstanding pickups, very versatile, will get you many of the well known Strat tones.
Pure Vintage Jaw dropping Tone!
TE-02 | Big Time '54 Strat Pickup Set
Alnico III High Grade Sand Cast
Calibrated for equal output across all positions
Wax potted w/ special blend of wax,
Hand Beveled Staggered Pole piecesStandard 52mm (2-1/16") Spacing
RWRP for hum cancelling 2nd and 4th position
Vulcanized Fiber Bobbin
Cloth covered push back wire
Neck 5.9K
Mid 6.1K
Bridge 6.3K
Approx Dc ResistanceQuiet operation, these have a very low noise floor
Included is a matched set of 3 (Neck Middle and Bridge) pickups choice of covers and the mounting hardware