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North -up polarity wound clockwise to be in phase with a bridge humbucker


Med/hot neck position, fat, articulate and responsive with incredible tone depth, retaining the bell like chime, smooth crystalline top end of a vintage wound in a hotter wound, from sparkling clean, syrupy swamp to crunch, all the way up to shred.


Other than the TE-12 Custom HSS '65 middle, the TE-12 Neck will not be in phase with any other of our single coils



TE-12 | Custom HSS '65 Neck Pickup for Strat

  • Details

    Alnico V High Grade Sand Cast
    AWG 42 enamel Scatterwound
    North-up Clockwise 52mm Spacing
    Vacuumed Wax potted w/special blend of Wax,
    Staggered Pole pieces Hand Beveled
    Grey Bottom Vulcanized Fiber bobbin
    Wax Cloth Push Back Hookup wires
    6.3K approx dc resistance
    Included is mounting screws/tubing and cover